5 research outputs found

    Yleistetyn todennäköisyysteorian tomografia

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    Kvanttifysiikassa on olemassa selittämättömiä ilmiöitä ja monia tutkimattomia aihepiirejä. Jotta kvanttiteknologinen läpimurto olisi mahdollinen, pitää ymmärtää kvanttimekaniikka syvällisesti aina matemaattisesta perustasta alkaen kokeellisiin toteutuksiin asti. Yleistetty todennäköisyysteoria (GPT) on hyvä työkalu kvanttimekaniikkaa toisesta näkökulmasta tarkastelemiseen. Sen lisäksi yleistetty todennäköisyysteoria on kokeellisesti implementoitavissa, ja siksi on mahdollista nähdä kvanttimekaniikan kokeita uudessa valossa. Tässä työssä esitetään yleistetyn todennäköisyysteorian teoreettinen pohja ja tomografia verraten niitä hyvin tuttuun kvanttiteoriaan. GPT:n tomografian lähtökohtana on täysi tietämättömyys testattavasta tilasta ja siitä, mikä fysikaalinen teoria voi sitä kuvailla. Tästä johtuen tomografia tapahtuu, kun testattavalle tilalle tehdään suuri määrä preparointeja ja mittauksia, joiden vaikutuksesta ei oleteta mitään. Kvanttimekaniikan tomografia on työkalu testattavan systeemin tilan kuvailemiseen käyttäen kvanttimekaniikan matemaattista kieltä, kun taas GPT:n tomografian tarkoituksena on selvittää, mikä fysikaalinen teoria kuvailee testattavan systeemin tilaa parhaiten. Tällaiseen lopputulokseen päästään, kun saadaan GPT:n tomografiasta selville testattavan systeemin tilan tila- ja efektiavaruuden dimensio ja muoto. Keskeisenä tarkoituksena on esittää yhden kubitin GPT:n tomografia, sen tulosten analysointi ja lopputulokset sekä kriittisesti tarkastella nykyistä GPT:n tomografiaa ja sen matemaattisen analysoinnin menetelmää. Koska GPT:n tomografia ei ole entistään paljon tutkittu aihepiiri, tämä mahdollistaa monien uusien kysymysten asettamista ja tutkimusaiheiden löytämistä. Sen lisäksi tässä työssä esitetään kahden kubitin GPT:n tomografian ensimmäinen koe ja sen tuloksia, joiden avulla pyritään ymmärtämään paremmin, miten GPT:n tomografia toimii ja miksi tämä koe ei tuottanut toivottuja tuloksia

    Quantum Physics Literacy Aimed at K12 and General Public

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    Teaching quantum physics to K12 students and the general public represents an inevitable must, while quantum technologies revolutionize our lives. Quantum literacy is a formidable challenge and an extraordinary opportunity for a massive cultural uplift, where citizens learn how to engender creativity and practice a new way of thinking, essential for smart community building. Scientific thinking hinges on analyzing facts and creating understanding, then formulating these with dense mathematical language for later fact checking. Within classical physics, learners’ intuition can be educated via classroom demonstrations of everyday life phenomena. Their understanding can even be framed with the mathematics suited to their instruction degree. For quantum physics instead, we have no experience of quantum phenomena, and the required mathematics is beyond non-expert reach. Therefore, educating intuition needs imagination. Without resorting to experiments and some degree of formal framing, educators face the risk of providing only evanescent tales, often misled, while resorting to familiar analogies. Here, we report on the realization of QPlayLearn, an online platform conceived to explicitly address challenges and opportunities of massive quantum literacy. QPlayLearn’s mission is to provide multilevel education on quantum science and technologies to anyone, regardless of age and background. To this aim, innovative interactive tools enhance the learning process effectiveness, fun, and accessibility, while remaining grounded in scientific correctness. Examples are games for basic quantum physics teaching, on-purpose designed animations, and easy-to-understand explanations on terminology and concepts by global experts. As a strategy for massive cultural change, QPlayLearn offers diversified content for different target groups, from primary school all the way to university physics students. It is also addressed to companies wishing to understand the potential of the emergent quantum industry, journalists, and policy makers who need to quickly to understand what quantum technologies are about, and all quantum science enthusiasts.Peer reviewe

    Quantum Physics Literacy Aimed at K12 and the General Public

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    Educating K12 students and general public in quantum physics represents an evitable must no longer since quantum technologies are going to revolutionize our lives. Quantum literacy is a formidable challenge and an extraordinary opportunity for a massive cultural uplift, where citizens learn how to engender creativity and practice a new way of thinking, essential for smart community building. Scientific thinking hinges on analyzing facts and creating understanding, and it is then formulated with the dense mathematical language for later fact checking. Within classical physics, learners’ intuition may in principle be educated via classroom demonstrations of everyday-life phenomena. Their understanding can even be framed with the mathematics suited to their instruction degree. For quantum physics, on the contrary, we have no experience of quantum phenomena and the required mathematics is beyond non-expert reach. Therefore, educating intuition needs imagination. Without rooting to experiments and some degree of formal framing, educators face the risk to provide only evanescent tales, often misled, while resorting to familiar analogies. Here, we report on the realization of QPlayLearn, an online platform conceived to explicitly address challenges and opportunities of massive quantum literacy. QPlayLearn’s mission is to provide multilevel education on quantum science and technologies to anyone, regardless of age and background. To this aim, innovative interactive tools enhance the learning process effectiveness, fun, and accessibility, while remaining grounded on scientific correctness. Examples are games for basic quantum physics teaching, on-purpose designed animations, and easy-to-understand explanations on terminology and concepts by global experts. As a strategy for massive cultural change, QPlayLearn offers diversified content for different target groups, from primary school all the way to university physics students. It is addressed also to companies wishing to understand the potential of the emergent quantum industry, journalists, and policymakers needing to seize what quantum technologies are about, as well as all quantum science enthusiasts

    Online Quantum Game Jam

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    This paper presents and discusses the online version of Quantum Game Jams, events where quantum physics related games are created. It consists of a two-part investigation into online Quantum Game Jams. The first part involves examining three events that took place between 2020 and 2021. The second part provides a detailed account of organising the Global Quantum Game Jam from 2021 to 2022, evaluating its outcomes based on participant feedback and experiences. Additionally, it examines the backgrounds of the participants in the global events of 2021 and 2022. Based on the findings, this paper proposes a set of guidelines for organising future online Quantum Game Jams, which can also be applicable to game jams and science game jams in general.Peer reviewe

    Quantum Physics Literacy Aimed at K12 and General Public

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    Teaching quantum physics to K12 students and the general public represents an inevitable must, while quantum technologies revolutionize our lives. Quantum literacy is a formidable challenge and an extraordinary opportunity for a massive cultural uplift, where citizens learn how to engender creativity and practice a new way of thinking, essential for smart community building. Scientific thinking hinges on analyzing facts and creating understanding, then formulating these with dense mathematical language for later fact checking. Within classical physics, learners’ intuition can be educated via classroom demonstrations of everyday life phenomena. Their understanding can even be framed with the mathematics suited to their instruction degree. For quantum physics instead, we have no experience of quantum phenomena, and the required mathematics is beyond non-expert reach. Therefore, educating intuition needs imagination. Without resorting to experiments and some degree of formal framing, educators face the risk of providing only evanescent tales, often misled, while resorting to familiar analogies. Here, we report on the realization of QPlayLearn, an online platform conceived to explicitly address challenges and opportunities of massive quantum literacy. QPlayLearn’s mission is to provide multilevel education on quantum science and technologies to anyone, regardless of age and background. To this aim, innovative interactive tools enhance the learning process effectiveness, fun, and accessibility, while remaining grounded in scientific correctness. Examples are games for basic quantum physics teaching, on-purpose designed animations, and easy-to-understand explanations on terminology and concepts by global experts. As a strategy for massive cultural change, QPlayLearn offers diversified content for different target groups, from primary school all the way to university physics students. It is also addressed to companies wishing to understand the potential of the emergent quantum industry, journalists, and policy makers who need to quickly to understand what quantum technologies are about, and all quantum science enthusiasts.Peer reviewe